Written by Kevan M. Sizemore.
Technologist. Educator. Storyteller. Lifelong Learner.
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Epic Misadventures

| ~200 words | ~1 minutes
#updates #gaming

Judging by the date on my last post it’s been a while - so I suppose it’s time to share an update. =)

Things have been a little crazy with work and real life lately so I find myself escaping into WoW for extended amounts of time, maybe a little too much. The good news is that I made some real progress with my raiding character and furthermore, I feel like I’m regaining a sense of perspective and control IRL.

Since this is my informal gaming blog I won’t bore you with the details of my personal life, but I’m hapy with the gear and achievements I have racked up over the past month or so. While there are players out there with bigger, better, faster gear I am unwilling to pursue it at the cost of what little personal life I do have.

It would seem even a gamer like me benefits from fresh air and offline time once in a while.

Until next time, happy hunting.


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