Written by Kevan M. Sizemore.
Technologist. Educator. Storyteller. Lifelong Learner.
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In Case You Were Wondering

| ~400 words | ~2 minutes
#reflection #updates

Two people lovingly embracing.

To my beloved wife:

In case you were wondering, I love you now more than ever. You have given so much of yourself to our relationship and to others that you meet. Not a day goes by without my heart, mind and soul longing for your presence. You do more than complete me; you encourage me to achieve success even when I don’t believe in myself.

Our lives are not quite what we imagined them to be when we started our journey together so many years ago. We both had very different aspirations in terms of personal and professional goals. Little did we know of the road that lay before us and the changes we would experience together.

That being said, I do not resent the changes we’ve experienced. The trials we endured lead to moments of self discovery—opportunities to align ourselves with the divine purpose we each have in life. Perhaps more importantly, change has strengthened our relationship and increased our appreciation for one another.

We have shared a multitude of adventures and experiences. Whether traveling to new places or reveling in a quiet moment holding hands; each moment yields memories that are precious to me. I pray that God will continue to bless us with abundant life together for many years to come.

I am forever thankful for all the challenges and tragedies we have overcome together. I feel incredibly fortunate to have a partner that holds me close until life’s storms have passed over. Your steadfast love and dedication to our marriage has gracefully withstood the test of time and distance.

Somehow you look beyond the tattered man that I am and see the potential that lies within. You love me in spite of my bad decisions, failures, and numerous (significant) flaws. You find reasons to love me when I cannot.

I have learned so much from you about what it means to love another. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done and all that you have given of yourself. I hope that in some way I have reciprocated the overwhelming love and joy you have poured into our marriage.

So in case you were wondering, I love and appreciate you more with each passing day. I cherish the years we’ve shared together I look to the years ahead with joyful anticipation.

With much love always,

-Your Devoted Husband

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