Written by Kevan M. Sizemore.
Technologist. Educator. Storyteller. Lifelong Learner.
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The Road Ahead

| ~400 words | ~2 minutes
#reflection #updates

A mother and her children walking along a dirt road.

It’s been more than a year since my last blog post. Now that I’ve had some time to develop perspectives on 2021, I’m ready to share a few updates. As you might imagine, I’ve spent a fair amount of time processing grief, loss, and reflecting on the ways my mother continues to influence me. Although I haven’t published anything on this blog since last year, I’ve written many journal entries; writing is one of my most effective methods for coping with grief and loss.

It’s been a year of firsts without mom, a year of changes and new challenges, a year of bittersweet memories, and a lingering awareness of her absence. This sense of absence is compounded by the loss of my grandmother on December 30, 2021. There are many precious memories and conversations I’ve shared with her through the years. It will be a long time before I hear my grandmother’s sweet voice call me “little Kevan” or experience one of her delightful, warm hugs again. I miss her dearly.

Despite this season of grief and loss, new senses of joy have emerged. In the immediate sense, I am grateful for the goodness that persists because of the way these ladies impacted me and others. In an eternal sense, I find myself yearning just a bit more for the complete joy awaiting in the life to come.

I’ve not finished the journey through grief and loss. There are indicators of progress over the last year. This season prompted me to reflect often on the temporal nature of our existence. It’s also highlighted the significant meanings and impacts resulting from how we choose to allocate our time, attention, energy, and resources every day. The seemingly mundane choices in day-to-day living ultimately influence our journey along the road ahead. May each of us travel well until the end.

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